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Saturday, September 18, 2010

No Porn In Uganda

Sex news goes to Uganda where the government has announced a new legislative initiative to widen the definition of pornography and to eliminate its distribution from the country.

 Uganda's Ethics and Integrity Minister has announced that the proposed law will eliminate the  "terrible vice" of pornography, and help to discourage other vices related to it, such as homosexual behavior." In a blunt prediction, he stated that the days of those who deal in pornographic materials "are numbered."

Woman in dress showing breast and nipples.

Under the bill according to the Ugandan Monitor, pornography will be defined as "any form of communication from literature to fashion or photography that depicts unclothed or under-clothed parts of the human body (such as breasts, thighs, buttocks or genitalia), that narrates or depicts sexual intercourse or that describes or exhibits anything that can lead to erotic stimulation."

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